Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tournament win..

1500 pts, 3 rounds. Wish I had more time to write detailed batreps but unfortunately I am busy today. Had my fair share of bad dice and good dice. This puts my lamenters tournament record at 1st-1st-3rd in 3 tournaments, and my overall Blood Angels record at 1st-1st-1st-3rd-5th in 5 tourneys.

More to come

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First flames of war models...

Panther & Tiger II

 These 2 tanks only took a couple hours to complete from start to finish. I am pretty happy with the results. Getting a full army completed shouldn't take long!

The division I am playing for FoW is the Panzer div. Muncheberg circa April 1945, the last days of the war in Europe. I weathered a lot of grey on these tanks to represent that they have been heavily involved in the desperate street fighting in Berlin against the Soviets. It would be alot of fun to make a display board once the army is completed.. I already have some ideas :)

Unfortunately army building for FoW is not currently as flexible as I'd like. By this stage of the war the Germans were using mostly ad-hoc units to defend against the Russians and the Muncheberg consisted of a mess of different vehicles. As of right now I am planning on fleshing out the army by buying more Panthers to fill compulsary Tank platoons... I would like to use some Stug G's but I cannot find an armored company army list that will let me field both Stugs and Panthers as compulsary platoon units.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Gearing up for 1500 pt tournament

Travelling out of state once again to a tournament Saturday the 23rd, this time 1500 pts. Painting not required but you can get a couple bonus points for having a fully painted army (yeah!).

What army to bring... The dudes I am going with are playing Sisters of Battle (, Dark Eldar, and maybe Marines/Guard/Wolves.

Here are two BA lists I have made. Not going to get more models for this one, as I have Flames of War stuff to build!!


HQ (1):

Librarian - 130
Terminator Armor, Stormbolter, Unleash Rage, Blood Lance

Captain - 155
Jump Pack, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon


Terminators - 460
10 man, 2x Cyclone Missile Launchers

Furioso Dreadnought - 150
Heavy Flamer, Extra Armor


Assault Squad - 135
Hand Flamer, Sergeant w/ Hand Flamer, Power Weapon

Assault Squad - 155
Infernus Pistol, Sergeant w/ Infernus Pistol, Power Fist

FAST (1):

Baal Predator - 115
Flamestorm Cannon

HEAVY (1):

Stormraven Gunship - 200
TL Assault Cannon, TL Multi-Melta

Total - 1500


HQ (2):

Librarian - 100
Blood Lance, Shield of Sanguinius

Captain - 135
Combi-Plasma, Powerfist

Honor Guard - 175
4x Plasma Guns
Razorback - 90
Twin-Linked Lascannon


Tactical Squad - 210
10 man, Meltagun, Sergeant w/ Combi-Melta, Powerfist
Land Raider Redeemer - 240

Tactical Squad - 220
10 man, Meltagun, Lascannon, Sergeant w/ Combi-Plasma, Powerfist
Rhino - 50


Baal Predator - 145
Heavy Bolter Sponsons


Predator - 135
Lascannon Sponsons


Two lists both featuring captain + librarian for HQ. Not something I normally do but it's a fun combination.

Sunday gaming vs Space Wolves

This weekend I got in 3 games against different players. No pictures unfortunately, but here is a breakdown of what happened..  2 of these players were SW...

Game 1: vs. Space Wolves Logan-Wing 1850 pts

This list I was playing against used Logan, Termy Librarian, Bjorn, 5x TH/SS, 15 terminators (2x CML, 1x Asscan) and a naked AC pred.

3 objectives seize ground.

I was running a slight variation of my 1850 Dragons tournament list. Captain w/ PFist, Combi Plasma, HG w/ 4x plasma in Lasback, 2x Baals, 2x Vindis, Auto Las Pred, LR Redeemer w/ Tac Squad, Rhino w/ Tac Squad.

First 2 turns of shooting were pretty pathetic on my part. 10 plasma shots coming from my HG + captain managed to kill ZERO terminators. Vindicators scattered pretty hard, I think both netted a grand total of 1 kill. Baals were getting stunned back and forth; they seemed to be his target priority. The LR managed to flamestorm 1 TH/SS guy to death and survived the next turn's assault. TH's don't really do much to a moving LR.

By turn 3 though my dice started to pick up the slack. Plasma was doing its job for once and the vindicators started hitting. The whole game I was basically kiting in and out of a corner and avoiding assaults whenever possible. I managed to wipe most of his army by turn 5 with the loss of a Baal, and a few weapon destroyed results here and there. Otherwise there were minimal casualties on my side and the game ended with 1 objective controlled by me, 0 by him.

Game 2: vs. Space Wolves Hurricane James 1850 points.

Some background to this battle. Me and James had been talking trash all week about how we were going to crump eachothers armies. James has a solid space wolves list that he pretty much rips from spacewolves blog (Haha JK..). Long fangs, grey hunters, rune priests, speeders.. Can't go wrong. He did use a Godhammer LR this time though - but so what, he doesn't get any sympathy from me! As I almost always use a Redeemer in my Dragons and Godhammer in my Lamenters...

Anyway, we made a bet to go along with the battle. If he beat me then I would have to start playing warmachine. If I beat him, he would never complain about clubbing people and admit the Blood Dragons are cooler than Space Wolves. Grudge match begin!

I used the same 1850 list as mentioned above but swapping the Captain for the Librarian and adding stormbolters on tanks.

Pitched Battle. Capture and Control. James won roll off and decided to go first. He deployed Longfangs in flanking positions on each corner to get easy side shots on me, LR and las-plas razorbacks near his objective and rhinos with troops on the other side. I deployed in a corner so that I could negate one of his longfang units completely while keeping my front arc in his line of fire. I didn't bother trying to sieze as I had deployed for being bombarded anyway. Scout moved + smoked baals in front of the formation, LR was in the middle, vindis to the sides, rhino+razor in the back. Auto las was in the very corner on top of a hill with a good firing position.

First turn James pummels the crap out of me despite my cover saves and AV13. Bad saves on my part, good rolling on his part. He knocked out a vindicator, immobilized a baal, and stunned a few other things. Not looking good!

My turn 1 retaliation was rather pathetic. With alot of things stunned / out of range, I managed to only stun one of his razorbacks and immobilize another. Remaining Vindi tried to quickly eliminate the closer long fang squad facing me but scattered completely off.

Luckily, Hurricane James got through most of his good rolls on that first turn so I wasn't hit bad again. His speeders jumped on my LR which moved up to midfield with smoke. Penetrated with multi-melta but my smoke saved me. Stunned a few more things, including my razorback again. Most of his lascannons on his razor/LR also went after my LR but failed to penetrate. He did blow off the gun on my remaining vindicator though.

My turn 2 I finally evened the odds a bit. Plasma Guard in the Razor zoomed up next to the close long fangs to do the job that the Vindicator failed at. Double tapped, killed 5 of 6 dudes with plasma so that was a success. Gun-less vindi rammed at a las plas razorback mid field and stunned it, but got immobilized in return. Baal's and Tac Squad shooting out of the Rhino hatch got rid of his 2 speeders.

The rest of the game was back and forth potshotting. I managed to keep his incoming Rhinos at bay with my Baal's, Auto-Las pred and Tac Squad which were holding my objective in the back corner. However, James parked a LR on his objective and I was really unable to take it out. Game ended turn 5 with 1 objective each...

At least this means I don't have to start warmachine yet. The rivalry continues...

More to come

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dark Eldar - Mech or Portal

Can't decide on the direction to take my Dark Eldar. Fortunately I still have time, because either way I need to wait for new models to come out (Venoms / Talos / Grotesques please?).

After reading this article: by kirby from 3++ I can say that I shared the same opinions about the DE heavy support choices which are really going to be the core of either list I decide to make. I don't want to use Ravagers, even though admittedly they're the best option. But they're boring to me.. The blandness reminds me of the auto las pred.

The deciding factor will probably be if the Talos does come out before the Razorwing. But then again, if the Venoms are really badass I will probably go mech. It mega sucks that my mech plan (cookie cutter DE... blah) is just 3x trueborn w/ blasters in venoms, 3x razorwings, rest of points filled with raider warriors + archon most likely. However, the webway portal list seems like it would be a lot more fun to play but a lot less competitive vs. other competitive lists which is my problem. The dual webway list (2x haemonculus, minimized 3 man wrack squads in raiders, rest of points in 3x talos and 3x tooled up hth elites, maybe some beasts thrown in) would adequately crump a hobby list but struggle vs. meched foes. Please please please give us new grotesques models... I don't care if they're metal or plastic (but GW is phasing out metal, right? o_O)

If the talos is plain ugly (unlikely) I'm going to pass up the webway idea and wait it out for the "summer of flyers."

More to come

Saturday, April 2, 2011

40k FFA Battle Report

Very casual 3 player game at our FLGS... I apologize for the shaky cam / vid quality, this was filmed on my phone.